Wednesday, September 18, 2013

New Term: Peri-EmptyNesting

I was so happy to chat with Claudia and Jill today on their radio show "Empty Nesters". I'll put a link below so you can listen along. We chatted about The FabYOUList, but also about how important it is for parents to have passions of their own to pursue PRIOR to the kids flying the coop. That way, they won't get hit like a ton of bricks when it happens. And it will happen. Sooner than you think! Time flies--I remember my daughter's first day of high school, then I blinked. She's a sophomore in college now. I have two more kids still at home, but I'm telling you--my making that list really saved me. I needed to "get a life" as we talked about on the radio show today. Are you Empty Nesting? Peri-emptynesting? Just knee deep in diapers still? No matter where you are in life, it's always good to have something going just for you. Yoga class, pottery, dance lessons, book club--whatever your "it" is, DO IT! You'll be glad when you blink.

To listen to the radio show, just click the top link in the box below. Then listen to a few more! These ladies are GREAT!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Fashion, Fun, and Friendship

Today I had the pleasure (and it truly was!) to attend an event my dear friend Kym Douglas hosted. It was a champagne brunch at Neiman Marcus that highlighted some amazing beauty products by Sisley, Georgio Armani, La Mer, and more. After the brunch and beauty demonstration, we went upstairs to a fashion show featuring the beautiful fashion of Black Halo. I was blown away by how gorgeous the dresses were! Lots of amazing looks coming this fall ladies!

I know everyone is very busy--especially us moms! With my book The FabYOUList coming out this past Tuesday, I was wrestling with whether I had time to attend today's event. I decided that no matter how busy I am, I should ALWAYS make time in my life for my friends--and for fun! A couple of hours  later I feel recharged and ready for anything!

Here are a few photos from today.
Kym Douglas and me.

Cristina Ferrare and me. Look for Cristina on Hallmark Channel's Home and Family.

Me, Kym, and Nina...all sporting Georgio Armani's Red 400 lipstick (it's awesome!).

Black Halo fashion show. Now that's a dress!

Kym teaching us all about the best in beauty.

Nina, also presenting and sharing her beauty expertise.

Kym sharing the secret powers of buffing...apparently it helps with cellulite. Not that we have any of that, right? :)

Friday, August 30, 2013

Health, Happiness, Focus and FabYOUList!

The other day I had a marvelous time chatting with Kacey on the Radio all about The FabYOUList: List It, Live It, Love Your Life on The Health and Happiness Show. Since the show airs in New York, I thought I'd post the interview here as well.

Please let me know in comments what you think--or Tweet me @SusanCross1.

The book is now available, you can order your hard copy, or download it as an eBook anywhere online. It will be in bookstores September 10th. I haven't been this excited since Justin Bieber cut his hair! Now if we could just convince him to stop driving crazy and pull his pants up...

New Life Podcasts with Kacey On The Radio on BlogTalkRadio

Friday, July 19, 2013

To My Critics...THANK YOU!

Some of the early reviews of my book have come in and I must say...I am starting to like criticism! So far, so good in other words! Read what reviewers have said about The FabYOUList below, and if you think it sounds like a book you'd like, good's available for pre-order on Amazon, Barnes&Noble, and IndieBound. It's coming out September 10th--and I would HATE to run out without my friends and family (YOU!) getting their very own copy. It's a relatively small first run...and while they can make more, I have no idea how long it will take. If you'd like one, please don't hesitate--order now! They make great holiday gifts, and also work as paperweights and door stops.



PS Please forward a link to this post to your mailing list, or post it on your social media sites...THANK YOU!!! I can use all the help I can get in spreading the news about the book.

PPS Speaking of news, if you haven't signed up for my newsletter, here's the link.

"Ms. Campbell-Cross is very likable and her writing style makes the reader feel as if she is sharing her stories with a good friend over a glass of lemonade on the patio. It is very humorous and I laughed many times while reading the book."

I plan to pass it along to my husband, and I feel that it would be a good, light book for men to read to better understand some of what women feels. Even if you don't fit the description above, but are looking for a quick, light, funny read, this book fits the bill."

Overall I think it was a good read if you are looking for some soul searching inspiration. I will def rec it some of my friends. And I can't wait to start working on my own list!"

She gives you ideas of areas in your life to explore such as making friends or being creative with the advice to tweek it to your interests. We will see what my list brings ...."

I'm starting my list for's not that far off. This book has motivated me!"

This was a great book!! Really enjoyed reading it!! Susan writing is very easy to read, very passionate and funny. I felt like I could really relate to her reasons for starting her list and many of the things that she put on her list,. It very much inspired me to start a list of my own. Great read, would recommend it to anyone!"

"It was a treat to read--I definitely recommend it!"

"An enlightening, laugh-aloud read. . . . Filled with open, honest glimpses into Susan's real life, woven together with constant doses of humor. The FabYOUList book is a breath of fresh air that will inspire you! Well-thought out and sharply written."

"What a fun book! I absolutely enjoyed reading all about Susan figuring out how to cross off items from her 40 before 40 list...She helped you see how important it is for you to take time for yourself and to focus on finding your own self with these lists. Her friendly and engaging tone kept me reading all the way to the end. I would definitely recommend this book to everyone looking for a fun and inspiring read!"

Friday, June 14, 2013

My Very Short Video about The FabYOUList

I made a little video explanation of what The FabYOUList is all about! Hope you like it! And if you do, and you want to read it, you can pre-order it on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and IndieBound...and some other places, too. There's a list of sellers on Good Reads. And come September, watch for it in your favorite stores...well, the ones that sell books anyway!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

I'm an Author, Yes Indeedy!

I am happy to announce that The FabYOUList: List It, Live It, Love Your Life is pre selling on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Please help spread the word by tweeting, posting on FB, emailing, or smoke signaling a link to this post!

Yours in Adventure,

There comes a time in every woman’s life when she realizes that the dreams she had as a girl are growing farther away in the rearview mirror. What can you do to make those childhood ambitions a reality?

Join author Susan Campbell Cross as she tackles that very question in The FabYOUList: List It, Live It, Love Your Life, an inspiring, humorous and heartfelt story of reinvention. Susan’s declaration of, “There are so many things I thought I would have done by now!” led her to reflect upon what exactly those things were. Pen and paper in hand, she composed a “wish I had done” list and challenged herself to do everything on it before her 40th birthday. Fly on the trapeze, skinny dip, learn to surf, go church shopping, take guitar lessons, run a 5K, and get a paid acting job, were just the tip of the iceberg. Ironically, the list ended with #40, “write a book.” This is that book! It’s all about how in conquering numbers 1 through 39, Susan transformed her life—and how YOU can, too.

The FabYOUList: List it, Live it, Love Your Life invites you along on every madcap escapade as Susan ventures outside her comfort zone and into the adventure of her life, ultimately coming face-to-face with what she discovers has been her biggest obstacle all along—herself.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Some Ideas Are So GREAT They NEED to be Shared!

I am so inspired by this man--Ron Finley, "Guerilla Gardner". Take a look and see if it doesn't make you want to DO SOMETHING! Please watch this video, and share it!