Friday, August 3, 2012

Moving Right Along: 4 Simple Steps for Getting Past a Bad Situation

If you find yourself in the middle of a bad situation--bad boss, bad relationship, one sided friendship, whatever, it may feel like you have no control, and that you're stuck. Guess what? There's no such thing. There's something that can be changed and you have the power to change it. That doesn't mean that you have control over the situation--not by a long shot. But, you do have control over one major factor, the most important factor--your reaction to the situation.

Here are 4 simple steps to help you exercise that control and take charge of your happiness.

STOP. Stop whatever it is you're doing--even if it's nothing, because doing nothing is passive and if you want something to change, you have to change something. So stop your previous pattern, and put your thinking cap on.

Be responsible. Without a doubt, your behavior or your reactions to someone else's behavior, contributed to the situation. Even if you were perfectly nice, but the other people/person involved were hurtful, you are still responsible because you chose to accept it.

Choose Differently. Here's where it gets really genius. Choose something else. That's right, once you realized you made a bad choice, stop making it.  Just drop a pin right where you are in this present moment--and go forward armed with the conscious decision that you are now making different choices in regards to your own behaviors and reactions.

Put Your Past Behind You. Yes, I did just quote Timon from The Lion King, who is in my opinion, one wise meerkat. Meaning: don't dwell on your past choices and past situations. Take only the lessons you learned and move forward. If you do that, you will feel empowered, enlightened, and ready for a whole new (and much improved) situation.

Is it me, or did a lightbulb just go off?

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